Ayunique TM
Our Treatment Philosophy

At Jivagram, we believe in a unique approach to healing – Ayunique™. We understand that every individual is unique, with unique body compositions, imbalances, and responses to treatments. This philosophy forms the foundation of our personalised Ayurvedic treatments.

Ayunique™ goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. Here's what sets us apart:

Our experienced doctors take the time to understand your health concerns, medical history, and lifestyle habits.

Based on your unique needs, we curate a customised treatment plan that combines the best of traditional Ayurveda with modern medical practices.

We address the root cause of your health issues, promoting long-term healing and preventing future ailments.

Our approach extends beyond physical healing. We consider your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being to create a holistic path to optimal health.

We closely monitor your progress throughout your treatment journey, adjusting the plan as needed to ensure the best possible outcomes.
With Ayunique™, you become an active participant in your healing process. We empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to manage your health and well-being for a lifetime.

Ayunique TM
Our Treatment Philosophy

At Jivagram, we believe in a unique approach to healing – Ayunique™. We understand that every individual is unique, with unique body compositions, imbalances, and responses to treatments. This philosophy forms the foundation of our personalised Ayurvedic treatments.

Ayunique™ goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. Here's what sets us apart:

Our experienced doctors take the time to understand your health concerns, medical history, and lifestyle habits.

Based on your unique needs, we curate a customised treatment plan that combines the best of traditional Ayurveda with modern medical practices.

We address the root cause of your health issues, promoting long-term healing and preventing future ailments.

Our approach extends beyond physical healing. We consider your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being to create a holistic path to optimal health.

We closely monitor your progress throughout your treatment journey, adjusting the plan as needed to ensure the best possible outcomes.
With Ayunique™, you become an active participant in your healing process. We empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to manage your health and well-being for a lifetime.

Pre-Treatment Analysis

Your treatment journey begins with a comprehensive pre-treatment analysis, rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. This involves assessment of your condition through:

Prakriti Analysis

- Prakriti Analysis

Here, we uncover your unique body constitution, identifying your inherent strengths and tendencies.
Vikriti Analysis

- Vikriti Analysis

Here, we assess your current state of health, pinpointing any imbalances that may be causing discomfort.
Dosha Status

- Dosha Status

Next, we evaluate the balance of your Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas – the energetic forces governing your mind and body.
Ama Status

- Ama Status

Finally, we also assess the presence of Ama, impurities that can hinder optimal health.
By understanding these aspects, our experienced Ayurvedic doctors can create a treatment plan tailored specifically to your body’s needs. This personalised approach ensures you receive the most effective Ayurvedic experience for a transformed state of well-being.

Personalised Ayurvedic Treatments

Under The Guidance of Certified Doctors

Experience the time-tested wisdom of Ayurveda through our range of authentic treatments and therapies. From Panchakarma detox programs to treating chronic disorders, we address a wide range of conditions focusing on long-term relief through comprehensive treatment protocols.

Manage Chronic Conditions & Promote Overall Wellness

Jivagram goes beyond treating symptoms. We empower you to manage chronic conditions through root-cause elimination and cultivate long-term well-being.

One-Stop Ayurveda Centre

Whether you're seeking individual guidance or a comprehensive wellness program for your family, Jivagram offers customised solutions to support your unique health goals.

Explore Treatments at Jivagram

At Jivagram, we offer a comprehensive range of Ayurvedic treatments designed to cleanse, heal, and rejuvenate your mind and body. Our certified doctors will work closely with you to develop a personalised treatment plan that addresses your condition, with every detail of your journey being documented in your Swasthya Patrika Health Journal.
Panchakarma Treatment
‘Panchakarma’, meaning "five therapies," is the cornerstone of Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation. This intensive program removes accumulated toxins (Ama) from the body, restores balance to the doshas and promotes overall well-being. Jivagram offers authentic Panchakarma treatments performed by certified Ayurvedic doctors and therapists.
Panchakarma treatments at Jivagram may include:
Vaman & Virechan
These specialised procedures cleanse the digestive system through therapeutic vomiting and purgation, respectively.
Basti involves the administration of medicated enemas tailored to your specific needs, promoting healing and detoxification.
Nasya involves the administration of medicated oils through the nasal passage, clearing congestion, improving cognitive function, and boosting immunity.
This bloodletting therapy purifies the blood and improves circulation, eliminating imbalances that may be causing health concerns.
Detox & Pain-Relieving Therapies
Jivagram specialises in time-tested, Ayurvedic therapies which include massages designed to
promote relaxation, and detoxification, and improve overall well-being.
Jivagram specialises in time-tested, Ayurvedic therapies which include massages designed to promote relaxation, and detoxification, and improve overall well-being.

- Abhyanga

This deeply relaxing massage uses warm, medicated oils to detoxify the body and revitalise the tissues.

- Shirodhara

Experience a rhythmic flow of warm oil on your forehead to de-stress, improve sleep, and enhance mental clarity.

- Pizhichil

Awaken your body's natural healing power with a warm, medicated oil massage that promotes deep relaxation and detoxification.

- Potli Massage

This targeted massage utilises herbal poultices infused with therapeutic oils to relieve pain and stiffness in the muscles and joints.
Lifestyle Management Therapies
In addition to Panchakarma, Jivagram also offers a diverse range of Lifestyle Management Therapies
to complement your holistic well-being journey. These therapies address the mind-body
connection, help boost immunity, and promote stress reduction, self-discovery,
and inner balance.
In addition to Panchakarma, Jivagram also offers a diverse range of Lifestyle Management Therapies to complement your holistic well-being journey. These therapies address the mind-body connection, help boost immunity, and promote stress reduction, self-discovery, and inner balance.
Raag Chikitsa

Raag Chikitsa

Jivagram cumulates the very best of ‘Raag Chikitsa” or Sound Healing. As per the science of Ayurveda, not only does suitable music and mantra help to relieve stress, but also, it can have a therapeutic impact on our nervous system. Based on your personalised assessment, you may be participating in ‘Raag Chikitsa sessions’ during your treatment at Jivagram.
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Mind Wellbeing Sessions

Mind Wellbeing Sessions

Jivagram specialises in comprehensive mind-well-being programs that promote self-discovery, self-love, and self-healing through an amalgamation of yoga, meditation, breathing and stress management practices. These sessions can help you unlock the power of your mind to lead a more fulfilling life.
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Arts & Pottery

Arts & Pottery

Jivagram also believes in the healing abilities of art forms that connect you back to nature. Speaking of which, during your journey, you’ll get a chance to discover the therapeutic benefits of creativity through workshops on pottery, dance, and other performing arts. Such meditative practice allows you to rediscover yourself through creativity.
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Tratak Kriya

Tratak Kriya

Jivagram also inculcates cleansing and rejuvenation through the ancient practice of Tratak Kriya meditation. Orchestrated by our certified doctors, you may harness these powerful techniques to rejuvenate your body and promote inner peace.
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Mudra Therapy

Mudra Therapy

Jivagram promotes healing through gestures also known as Mudras. This ancient therapy involves specific hand and body positions (mudras) that can channel your body's energy and promote balance.
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Yoga Sessions

Yoga Sessions

Our Yoga Sessions are orchestrated by renowned Indian yogacharyas who have a demonstrative history as teachers of Yoga in its full glory. These sessions can improve your balance, strength, and tranquillity, enriching your life on a physical, mental, and emotional level.
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Chronic Diseases Treatment at Jivagram Hospital

Jivagram addresses a wide variety of chronic disorders through comprehensive, personalised treatment plans, carefully designed by our certified Ayurveda doctors. Each treatment plan involves regular monitoring based on international scales, a strict diet plan based on your condition and pre-assessment, quality-assured authentic Ayurvedic therapies and prescribed Ayurveda medication.
Further more, your treatment may also involve lifestyle modifications and post-treatment care, in the form of follow-ups from our health coaches, to ensure your Ayurvedic healing journey continues flawlessly.
Gynaecological Disorders
  • a. Menstrual Disorders
  • b. PCOD
  • c. Uterine Fibroids
  • d. Endometriosis
Respiratory Disorders
  • a. COPD
  • b. Bronchial Asthma
  • c. Bronchitis
  • d. Post COVID Management
Metabolic Disorders
  • a. Hypertension
  • b. Varicose
  • c. Post
Circulatory Disorders
  • a. Hypertension
  • b. Varicose Vein
  • c. Post-Stroke Management
Urinary Disorders
  • a. Enlarged Prostrate| BPH
  • b. Incontinence
  • c. Calculi
  • d. UTI
  • e. Hematuria
  • f. Hydronephrosis
  • g. CKD
Skin Disorders
  • a. Atopic Dermatitis
  • b. Psoriasis
  • c. Urticaria
  • d. Skin allergy & Eczema
  • e. Other Skin & Hair conditions (Acne, Dandruff etc.)
Psychological Disorders
  • a. Anxiety Disorders
  • b. Stress & Depression
  • c. ADHD
  • d. Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • e. Dementia
Sexual Disorders
  • a. Erectile Dysfunction
  • b. Premature Ejaculation
  • c. Secondary Infertility
ENT Disorders
  • a. Tinnitus
  • b. Allergic Rhinitis
Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • a. Tendonitis/ Tenosynovitis
  • b. Osteoarthritis
  • c. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • d. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • e. Fibromyalgia
  • f. Degenerative Disc Disorders
  • g. Frozen Shoulder
  • h. Hip/knee pain
Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • a. GERD
  • b. IBS
  • c. Crohn’s Disease
  • d. Ulcerative Colitis
  • e. Peptic Ulcer Diseases
  • f. Haemorrhoids & anal Fissures
  • g. Malabsorption Syndrome
  • h. Constipation
Neuro-Degenerative Disorders
  • a. Migraines
  • b. Gullian-Barre syndrome
  • c. Herniated Disc
  • d. Parkinson's Disease
  • e. Multiple Sclerosis
  • f. Alzheimer's Disease
  • g. Muscular Degeneration
SAMS-linked Disorders
  • a. IBS
  • b. PCOS
  • c. Stress & Anxiety
  • d. Depression
  • e. Insomnia
  • f. PTSD
  • g. Psoriasis & skin condition
  • h. Hormonal imbalances